I Scream for Ice Scream!

Day 10 of the Pre-Spring Challenge has “Ice cream” as it’s theme. I am still lovin my rainbow nails from yesterday so I asked my youngest sister to let me do hers again. I wanted to do each nail a bit differently and do several kinds of ice cream. I did the thumbs like cones and the rest of the nails are each different.
Starting from left pinky we have chocolate marble, cherry on whipped cream, mint chocolate chip, chocolate with sprinkles, cookies and cream, strawberry with chocolate fudge, Neapolitan and vanilla with sprinkles. 🙂
I used the following to achieve this look:
Bobbie – Touch of Beige
Sally Hansen hard as nails – Fireball Red
Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear – Mint Sorbet
Oh My Golly – Demure
Oh my Golly – First Date
Caronia – On the Go
Caronia – First Crush
Jocarste – White 56
Sinful Colors – Nirvana
Klik – Mango Shake
Dark brown acrylic paint
Striper, large and small dotting tool, small paint brush
What do you think?