L.A. Girl 3D Effects Dazzling Pink with BYS Fool’s Paradise Accent

Happy weekend! I’ve had an annoying sinus headache all day (all week off and on actually) but it has still been a nice day. The kids spent the afternoon with my parents and they are spending the night so I’ve had a little extra dose of peace around here. I spent it well this evening watching the 2nd half of The Fellowship of the Ring with Mr. Nailinator. He’s got the “platinum extended edition” so we watched all the extra scenes. I just recently decided to read the trilogy and I am enjoying them so much. I read the Hobbit as a young girl and it wasn’t my cup of tea back then. But I am loving the books now.
I’ll stop babbling now and get on to the main event. This isn’t a book blog after all. I’ve got a simple but fun look to show you today. I started with 3 thin coats of L.A. Girl 3D Effects Dazzling Pink. For my accent nail, I placed striping tape over the pink in the pattern seen below and polished over it with one thick coat of BYS Fool’s Paradise which was gifted to me by the lovely Rina of Simply Rins. (Thanks again Rins!) I quickly and carefully peeled off the striping tape and ended up with this.

Cool huh? I am loving accent nails these days. I have tried some edgy things I feel I might not yet be able to pull off on all ten nails. It’s easier to commit to something bold on two nails than on ten when you are unsure if you can handle it.
I’ve got to tell you more about my base color. I’ve raved about these LA Girl polishes before, and I’ll keep doing so because they really are some of the best out there. Dazzling Pink is the least opaque of the ones I’ve worked with so far. (I’ve used all but the purple, silver and orange) Three coats builds nicely, dries quickly and is just gorgeous. The sparkle and depth in this (and all the polishes in this line) is to die for. I’ve included a fuzzy picture in direct lighting so you can see the holo sparkle. Additionally, I wore this for a whole week with minimal tip wear. Two Dazzling Pink thumbs up from me!
I hope you have a great weekend and that you get to spend it with those most dear to you.
This makes me wanna wear the pink one again! I only wore it once for my breast cancer awareness mani. There really is not enough time to wear all our polishes lol