L.A. Girl – Sparkle Ruby (With a dash of Starrily Lemon Lime)

Today is Mr. Nailinator’s birthday! Whoop! For the occasion I’ve gone with a maroon stunner in honor of his Alma Mater. Any guesses as to where he went to college? I’ve given you 2 clues (1. Whoop 2. Maroon ) It’s also The Shutterbug’s birthday. Happy birthday to you both!
This is two coats of LA Girl 3D in Sparkle Ruby. I love this polish so much! It was hard to photograph its awesomeness in the light box. So I’ve included a warm lighting shot as well. It’s soooooo pretty! The pictures still don’t do it justice.
The Shutterbug brought over her new babies to show me and I couldn’t resist slapping on a coat of Starrily in Lemon Lime just because I was intrigued to see what it looked like. I think it looks pretty cool. This polish has 4 different sized lime green glitters in it. So cool! What do you think?
I’ve been so preoccupied with having family visit and now getting back to school that I’m kind of running dry on nail art ideas. Any ideas or requests?
I hope everyone is having a great week!
la girl! my faves!!!
have you done a sunset yet?
I know right?!?! I love it so much. My siter grabbed the turquoise and pink for her and this maroon, the black and of course the blue for me!
I’m so thrilled!
Ooh… No sunset yet. I think I’m in a funk