I’m still here

Hey y’all!
I just wanted to check in and say hello. I have been having some health issues and have been feeling pretty lousy especially in the past couple of weeks so I haven’t really been in a state to do nails as much as I’d like. My problems are mostly hormone related I think. My doctor has given me something that should help me feel better soon but it’s one of those “it’s probably going to get worse before it gets better” situations. And it’s been pretty bad. I already suffer from hormone induced migraines and because of hormone irregularities I’ve been having even more which sucks the life out of me. Fortunately I have been blessed with a fantastic husband who takes excellent care of me and two wonderful kids to make me smile even when I’m down. Hopefully i’ll be on the upside and I’ll be back to doing nails regularly soon.
On a happier note, I was ecstatic to learn this past weekend that I have been nominated for The Versatile Blogger award by two lovely fellow bloggers. I am super excited about that. More on that in the near future.
And just for fun, here is a picture of my Valentines Day gift from my sweet hubby. A nail polish rack! He made it all by himself. He said it cost about 5 dollars to make. I love my handy man.
Yeah, I know it’s not the best picture but I’m sick. Give me a break. Hehe!
Thanks for reading. I hope you all have a great day!
Nice rack!
I really hope you feel better. I’m sure migraines are debilitating! When I get headaches I want to blow a hole in my head.
Thanks! Yup, migraines = no fun!
your rack looks good… I think I’m going to put up one for my collection…
Awesome! I toyed with the idea of one for a while and my husband finally said “I’m gonna make you one!” And I’m so happy he did. 🙂
Hi Rachel! I had no idea you were a nail artist! These are beautiful! My best friend (who’s name is also Rachel :~) is nail crazy too! She loves to find wonderful new designs and she does a lot of stamping as well. I sent her the link to your blog. Unfortunately, I can’t even paint my nails because the polish gives me such bad migraines. I don’t know anything about your situation but was wondering if it might be a contributing factor with yours? Anyway, love your work! You are very talented. Love to you all!
Hi Michal,
Yep. It’s become a little hobby of mine. 🙂 Fortunately for me, I don’t get migraines from the fumes. I know many people do. I’m sorry you get them too. Not fun at all. Thanks for sharing my blog with your friend. Does she have a blog too? I’d love to see her nails. Thanks for the compliments. 🙂 You are too kind.
I love how the rack turned out. I just have one question though…. is it expandable cuz I know there are a lot more pretty colors out there. . 🙂 Just kidding. Your hubby did a great job.
You have a lovely collection 🙂