Striped pastels

Day 7 of the Pre-Spring Challenge is a tape mani in pastel. I chose to do yet another first for me with the striping tape. I first put two coats of Amethyst and On the Go and let them dry well. Then I placed striping tape and put a thick coat of First Crush and Mint Sorbet and promptly but slowly removed the striping tape while the polish was still wet. I guess the thing to remember is to work quickly but don’t peel the tape off quickly because that will cause wonky lines. Mine aren’t that crisp but hey, not bad for a first try.
The colors I used were:
Sinful colors – Amethyst
Caronia – First Crush (light purple)
Caronia – On the Go (green)
Sally Hansen Xtreme wear – Mint Sorbet
Striping tape
I like the way it turned out. Do you? Leave a comment!