Colorful animal print

This has to be one of my favorite looks ever! This was so fun to wear and so easy to do. I started with two coats of Caronia’s white and used 5 different colors and a dotting tool to make random blobs in a random pattern. It is important to make sure you have blobs and not dots because if your spots are too perfectly shaped then it will not look like leopard print. 🙂
You can use any color you like but the colors I used are
China Glaze – For Audrey (US brand)
Sinful Colors – Amethyst (US brand)
Sinful Colors – Why not (US brand)
Cover Girl – Sassy Strawberry 523 (US brand)
Enchanted – Orange (local brand)
I was going to try neons but I don’t have any true neons. I suppose I will raid my sister’s stash sometime and do this with neons.
After I placed all my blobs I took my Chic Black Velvet and the smallest dotting tool I have to complete the look. I waited a few minutes before applying top coat and then made sure to “float” the brush so as to preserve my fun nail art. I enjoyed this look so much and I hope you do too.
These look fantastic–I love the colours you picked!!
Thank you Elizabeth. I do love me some animal print and these are probably my favorite pick of what I have done so far. Some heart shaped spots are on my list of things to try now, thanks to you!